The Boys

Official name: Wanderers of Saint Wendelin Duke


Height : 53,5 cm     Weight : 20 kilo

Color: Carries tri color, mottled & Black

CEA/PRA : Free 2019/'21/'22/'23/'24

Gonioscopie : Free 2021 - 2023

MyDogDNA - Clear - EAOD included

HD=A   ED=0/0  SD =0/0 LTV=Perfect
HL1 + HL2 - Normal

DNA-analyse : YES



Duke is very smart, open minded, curious, very clever, learn fast,
a very nice dog with other dogs also male dogs and puppy's.
Veeeeeery cuddely, but also a little cheeky :O)
He loves to play, want to be the first, every time, and he does do everything for Katja.
He's growing up nicely so far and we will see were our journey will lead us.

Duke op 5 maanden

Duke as an adult male.

Duke, is our first boy that we inport from Hungary
Behind Duke there are many nice herding dogs (Astra) & agility once that catch my eye.
Like Eiri Greme bloodline that is very willing and famous in our agility world,
also the parents of Raider ( Indian Oak Rayzer & Rising Sun Spin) from Iwona Golab.

Duke has been once to the sheep and he showed us interest for sure.
This summer we will go back on sheep with him and will see if he is talented to work on it further.

Duke is doing agility and he sure has a realy nice way to jump.
Hi drive is more then high enough so hopefully his handler can keep on following him :o)
He run in grade 2 at the moment.

Duke is living with our friends Katja & Klaas and their 2 other dogs LT Mayo & LT Spotty.
I am very pleased that they welcome him into there home, my greatest thanks for this.

Duke from day 1 till 7 months